Tagging Guidlines

Price Suggestions
When you start to price your items it is a good idea to price them as though you were a shopper. Would you pay that price? The usual rule of thumb for consignment sales is to price items at 30% of the retail price. This is not a mandatory rule, and you can price items as you see fit, as there are some exceptions to the rule. We put together this guide to help give you an idea of what items have sold for in the past.
Big Box Store Brands
(Jumping Beans, Cat & Jack, Wonder Nation, Okie Dokie, Etc.)
Single Pieces: $1-$4
Sets/Outfits: $4-$6
New with tags: $4-$6
Everyday Brands
(Carter's, Old Navy, Children's Place, H&M, Etc.)
Single Pieces: $3-$6
Sets/Outfits: $6-$8
New with tags: $6-$8
Popular Brands
(Gap, Nike, Adidas, Disney Store, Under Armour, Etc.)
Single Pieces: $4-$8
Sets/Outfits: $6-$12
New with tags: $8-$15
Trending Brands
(Janie & Jack, Hannah Anderson, Tea Collection, Mini Boden, Etc.)
Single Pieces: $6-$10
Sets/Outfits: $10-$15
New with tags: $12-$24
Boutique Brands
(Jelly the Pug, Matilda Jane, Trish Scully, Joyfulie, Etc.)
Single Pieces: $10-$15
Sets/Outfits: $15-$24
New with tags: $20-$35
Hair Accessories
Single Piece: $1-$2
Bundle/Set: $2-$5
Single Piece: $1-$3
Bundle/Set: $2-$6
Single Piece: $1-$4
Bundle/Set: $3-$8
Backpacks/Bookbags/Lunch Boxes
Single Piece: $2-$8
Bundle/Set: $4-$12
Single Piece: $1-$3
Bundle/Set: $2-$6
Shoes: $2-$6
Sandals: $2-$5
Boots: $4-$8
Spring Jackets: $3-$6
Winter Coats: $4-$8
Snow Bibs/Pants: $4-$8

Baby Dolls: $2-$6
18” Dolls: $5-$12
Barbie/Fashion Dolls: $1-$6
Shopkins/Littlest Pet Shop/LOL: $2-$8
Hotwheel/matchbox: $1-$3
Tonka Truck/Big Trucks: $2-$5
Train Sets: $6-$15
Single Trains: $1-$3
Building Blocks
Lego Sets: $3-$15
Duplo Blocks: $3-$8
Mega Bloks: $3-$8
Wooden Puzzles: $1-$4
Jigsaw Puzzles: $1-$2
Card Games: $1-$3
Board Games: $2-$5
Video Games: $2-$6
Stuffed Animals
Small: $1-$2
Medium: $2-$4
Large: $3-$5
Pretend Play
Play Kitchens: $20-$40
Play Food/Dishes: $3-$10
Tool Benches: $10-$30
Dr Sets: $2-$4
Playsets: $5-$15
Sport equipment/balls/helmets/etc.: $1-$4
Swimming gear/goggles/life preservers: $1-$5
Bikes/skateboards/scooters: $2-$10
Outdoor Play
Ride on toys, cozy coupe: $5-$20
Play Houses, slides, ball pits: $10-$25
Kiddie pools, sandboxes, water tables: $10-$25
Wagons: $15-$30
Baby Equipment
Swings, Jumpers, Bouncers, Pack n Play : $10-$20
Activity Centers, Play mats: $5-$15
Bumbo seats, Boppy Pillows, etc: $3-$6
Feeding items
High chairs, Booster seats $10-$25
Bibs, Burp Cloths, Bottles, Formula Dispensers, etc: $1-$4
Plates, Bowls, Cups, Utensils, Storage Containers, etc: $1-$3
Lunch bags, Thermos Cups, etc: $1-$4
Bath items
Towels, Washcloths: $1-$3
Bathtubs (manufactured after November 2017): $4-$10
Bath Toys: $1-$5
Toileting Items, Disposable Diapers, Pull-ups, Cloth diapering: $1-$4
Potty Chairs, Potty Seats, Step Stools: $2-$6
Strollers: $10-$30
Stroller/Car Seat/Cart Covers: $2-$5
Diaper bags, Backpacks, Baby Carriers, etc: $3-$10
Safety equipment
Gates, Play Yard: $5-$20
Baby Monitors, Heart Monitors: $10-$30
Locks, Outlet Covers, etc: $1-$4
Cribs, Toddler Beds: $20-$50
Dressers, Changing Tables, Rocking Chairs: $20-$40
Book Shelves, Toy Boxes/Organizers, Tables: $10-$30
Bed Sets, Blankets: $2-$10
Rugs, Wall Decor, Lamps: $1-$10
Board Books: $1-$3
Picture Books: $1-$2
Chapter Books: $1-$3
Parent Books: $1-$2
Clothing Tips
Tip #1 Know what you are shopping for
Accepted Items
Clothing for ALL seasons adult-preemie
-Pants, tops, dresses, sets/outfits, pajamas, etc.
-Underwear, socks, tights, dance gear, belts,bathrobes etc.
-Headbands, bows, gloves, hats, scarves, earmuffs, etc.
-Shoes, sandals, boots, cleats, slippers
-Coats, outerwear, snow pants
-Special Occasion-Baptism, First Communion, Flower girl, etc.
-Swimwear size preemie through teen.
Maternity Wear
-Puzzles, games, blocks
-Electronics, video games, DVD's (Rated G or PG-13) etc.
-Dolls, doll houses, my little pony, shopkins, etc.
-Cars, trains, train tables, action figures, etc.
-Play kitchens, play work benches, shopping carts, etc.
-Arts & Crafts materials-Play Doh, Easy Bake Ovens, art kits, coloring tools, stencils, individual art kits, easels, desks, etc.
-Costumes, pretend dress-up items, etc.
-Stuffed animals (must be licensed)
-Tunnels, trampolines, sand/water tables, kiddie pools, playhouses, slides, ball pits, sleds, ski’s, snowboards, etc.
-Ride-ons, bikes, tricycles, Cozy Coupes, skateboards, scooters, wagons, etc.
-Sports equipment including helmets, baseball/softball pants, goggles, bats, lacrosse sticks, various sports balls, dance equipment, etc.
-Swimming gear, toys, floats etc.
-Gardening equipment and tools
-Lawn furniture
-Board, picture and chapter books for all reading levels
-Coloring books, activity books, comic books, parenting books
-Homeschooling, remote learning materials, school supplies
-Game systems and games
-Stereos and radios
-Dvds (Not rated M or R) and players
Baby Equipment
-Swings, jumpers, bouncers, activity centers
-Play mats, bumbo seats, boppy pillows, etc.
Feeding items
-High chairs, booster seats
-Bibs, burp cloths, bottles, formula dispensers, etc.
-Plates, bowls, cups, utensils, storage containers, breast pump accessories
-Lunch bags, Thermos cups, etc.
Bath items
- Towels, washcloths, bathtubs manufactured after November 2017, bath toys, bath kneelers
-Toileting items, potty chairs, potty seats, step stools, disposable diapers, pull-ups, cloth diapers/inserts and accessories, etc.
-Strollers, stroller covers, car seat covers/protectors etc.
-Diaper bags, backpacks, baby carriers, etc.
Safety equipment
-Gates, baby monitors, car mirrors, heart monitors, locks, outlet covers, etc.
Furniture and decor
NON-DROP SIDE Cribs must be manufactured after 6/28/2011
-Bed frames (King-Full), toddler beds, crib mattresses
-Dressers, book shelves, rocking chairs, etc.
-End tables, stands, tables and chairs, etc.
-Changing tables, toy boxes/organizers
-Crib sheets through full size sheets, blankets, receiving blankets, swaddles, comforters, pillow cases, changing pad covers, waterproof mattress protectors, breathable bumpers.
-Crib mattresses in good condition without any rips
-Rugs, wall decor, lamps, video gaming chairs, coat racks, etc.
-Small kitchen appliances
-Dish sets (must be compete), pots, pans, etc.
-Utensils, cooking ware, etc.
Party/holiday/baby shower materials and decorations
Not Accepted
Any item with a recall that had not been fixed with a recall mandate.
Bumbo seat straps will be available for free at this event for existing Bumbo seats.
No car seats, car seat bases or booster seats for vehicles.
Cribs manufactured prior to June 28, 2011
Padded crib bumpers
Infant tubs manufactured prior to November 2017
Any item marked “not for sale”
VHS and cassette tapes, movies and games rated Mature or R
Baby food, cereal or formula
Breast pumps
Porcelain dolls
Snow globes
Couches, easy chairs and the like
Mattresses (unless they are toddler/crib size)
Large appliances (refrigerators, stoves, washer/dryers)
Chemicals and cleaning supplies
Books with ripped or missing pages
Any item that is stained, ripped, overly loved, smells of smoke or animals, is missing items, needs new batteries or does not work correctly
*If you have any questions about a specific item, please don’t hesitate to contact us and ask.
Consignor Friends
Several different helper responsibilities and shifts will be available throughout the sale week. If you wish to make 65% of your sales you will be required to fulfill one consignor friend shift, if you wish to make 70% of your sales you will be required to fulfill two consignment friend shifts.
Please note some shifts are not suitable for those pregnant or with certain health issues. We can always find a position for you if you have limited mobility, etc. or if shift times do not work with your schedule.
Set up- Set up racks, tables and display units, unloading and unpacking supplies, some light cleaning. This job requires walking and lifting. Husbands/boyfriends/significant others are welcome to do this shift for you!
Drop and Shop- Organize our drop and shop, give out tickets to customers who need to leave large items/bags and assist cashiers with retrieving items.
Drop-off helper- Check consignors in, inspect items coming in or help set items out in designated spots.
Check-out Line- Assist customers with retrieving their items for the holding area, direct them to the next available cashier.
Front End Assistant- Assist with bagging when needed, return bags to entrance door, and help return unsold items to the sales floor.
Floating Sales Reps- Assigned to a designated area of the sales floor to assist customers, organize/straighten area, pick items off the floor, consolidate items/tables/racks as items sell down, assist customers with carrying their items and bags to the holding area so they can continue to shop.
Entrance door- Tag strollers that customers arrive with, hand out our bags, tell them about the sale (½ price day, etc.), answer any questions they may have.
Exit Door- Check each customers printed receipt against the items that are walking out of the doors with, highlight receipts after they are completely checked, assist customers who need to leave items while they pull their cars up to the front entrance, thank customers for supporting our event.
Sort after sale- **This is a longer shift, so it will count as 2 shifts. Sort unsold items and place them in consignor bins or donation area, assist in breaking down tables, display units and racks. Pack up supplies, light cleaning. At the end of your shift you will be able to leave with your consignor check and any unsold items that you did not choose to donate.
Pick Up- Help consignors during pick-up and check items as Consignors leave.
Complete 1 shift→→→→→earn 65% of your total sales!!!
Complete 2 shifts→→→→→earn 70% of your total sales!!!
Consignor Tips
When prepping clothing for sale make sure to look the item over carefully to make sure there are no stains, rips, excessive wash wear/pilling or flaws.
While selling single items is okay, outfits tend to sell better. So long as pieces in an "outfit" are the same size consignors are free to mix and match brands while making sets/outfits. A benefit of matching up single pieces of clothing into sets/outfits is you can clear more out without going over the hanger limit.
Another thing to consider while pricing clothing is to price outfits and new items with tags on the higher end of our scale and single pieces on the lower end.
Drop-Off Tips
When you come to drop off it can be a little crazy and exciting to see all the items coming in, but rest assured we have perfected the process to run smoothly! When you first come to drop off we ask that you sign in at the check in table, you will then be assigned to either one of two inspection stations, the clothing or all else. Once all items are accepted for the sale that's it, we will put your items out on the sales floor. Below are some tips to help this process run smoothly and as efficiently as possible.
Tip #1 Organization is your and our best friend
When you are getting your items ready for drop off if possible keep like items together. Clothing of the same size together, toys with toys, feeding with feeding, etc. This helps you by getting in and out quicker during drop off and us by being able to place items in the right places easily.
Tip #2 What goes in must come out
When loading your items up into your vehicle for drop off keep in mind that everything you load into the vehicle must come out. We will have some hand carts for our consignors to use to unload but if possible bringing your own handcart or wagon will help you.
Tip #3 Punctuality is our friend
We know life happens, we're moms too, but we ask that you show up on time during your selected drop-off time. If not possible we ask that you reach out to us and let us know so we can work with you to find a time to drop off.
Tip #4 If it's big, lend a hand
Depending on the volume of stuff being dropped off at your time we may ask that you put out your bigger items out on the sales floor. We ask that you come prepared to move and assemble your items.
Pick-Up Tips
Pick-up time is exciting because after the sale you get a check for your earnings right there. We know not everyone wants to pickup unsold items and choose to donate any items after the sale, and that is perfectly fine! If you are one of those people but would like to pick up your check we ask that you still select a pick up time. Any checks not picked up during pick up times will be mailed out to the address on file with our system. Below are a few tips on how to get in and out of the pick up time quickly and easily.
Tip #1 Punctuality is our friend
Just like with drop-off we ask that you arrive on time to your selected pick up time. We know that sometimes things come up, and we are understanding, so please reach out to us.
Tip #2 Did it sell, or did it not?
If you are picking up unsold items, take a peek at your unsold item report in our system. This will give you an idea of what is at the sale location for you bring back home and how much space in a vehicle you need.
Tip #3 60%, 65% or 70%?
When checking your sold item report please keep in mind that the figure shown is based on 65% of your sales. If you did not sign up for a consignor friends shift your earning total will be 60% of your sales. 65% for one consignor friends shift and 70% for two consignor friends shifts. Your check will have the correct amount on it and if for some reason you have the wrong amount we ask that you reach out to us as soon as possible.